SPECIAL NOTES & THANK YOUS Additional musicians Gary W Jacob pedal steel
Skip Sanders keyboards, accordion
Joy Brown vocals Bernice Wilkerson vocals Noah Minarik vocals on Broken Dove
Produced, Recorded and Mixed by Sean McDonald
Recorded at Red Medicine Recording Studio, Swissvale, PA www.RedMedicineRecording.com
Mastered by Brad Blackwood - Euphonic Masters - www.euphonicmasters.com
Design, Branding & Layout MatteGreyDesign 418m.com
Photography: Rich Frollini - Coda Photography codaphoto.com
Management Brick Wall Management, New York, NY ck@brickwallmgmt.com
Booking Agent Anthony Paolercio - The Agency Group, New York, NY
Tour Manager: John Williams
Road Crew: Jamie Bernarding & Jeremy Olson
Merchandise: Mary Ferney
Website: Al Camardella Jr.
LOVE AND THANKS Thanks to 186 Advertising and Western Pennsylvania Toyota Dealers
This album is dedicated to Donald E. Blasey, Elma C. Joseph, Barbra Blasey,
Rosalyn Hertweck, Elizabeth Johnston, Evelyn Minarik, Dorothy Moore,
John Moore, Sue Mura, Mary Lipple, Mark Oresic, and Cubby.
Special Pledge Supporter Thank Yous
Steve Harley of Destin's Total Laundry Service, Ray Taylor and Pattijo Shaffer, Kristin Luckhaupt,
Randy Armstrong, Michelle Laslo Cassell, Shawndrea Clark, Stephen Miller, Vicki Williams,
Todd & Heidi Plowman, Eric Bogusz, Lou D'Angelo, Tomasina Crapis, Hallie Foster, Michele Tolson,
Becky Scandrol, Ed & Mary Emigh, Mark & Charlene Hubbard, Rick & Jodi Cain, Kathy O'Toole, Ed & Jacky Gerg, Kim Lindquist, Carol & John Donati, Vince Astolfi, Janice "JD" Dillen, Michael Hoburg, Tiff Dunnivan,
Matt Malobicky, Val Skvarla Marteney, Crooksy, Carl Bozick, Maureen Thomas, Jim "Mort", Kristen,
Maeve, and Mairi McVay, Carolyn Regan, Tammy Lewis, Sean & Rachel Battis, Karla Mueller, Tiffany Chrisman, Kym and Brother Joe, Tom Webb, Kerrie Ham, Todd Rusher, Randy & Gretchen Metzger,
Michael Craig Cox, Big Red LFC, Chris Bezoni, Rick Bottegal, Ryan P. M. Allen, Jill Jones.